Agboola Sarah

Agboola Sarah Temitope was born on the 28th February in Lagos, Nigeria.

She attended one of the federal colleges of education in Nigeria where she had her NCE in music education, currently she has decided to level it up by bagging a degree in MUSIC, currently she's studying music in the Lagos State University (LASU). She handles one of the string instrument. She's also a singer, a smartphone designer, and a voice over artist.

Sarah is an upcoming writer alongside she's a Ladies coach and has been able to build a community of raising Purposeful and virtuous Ladies with over 300 inhabitants. She's passionate about impacting lives positively. One of her favorite slogan is "Try to make a change".

Over the years being an educator she has spent enough and adequate of her time educating lives and wouldn't cease to continue.

Fun Fact: I love plantains!!